孟肖丽 |
副教授 | |
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硕士生导师 |
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基本情况 | |
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性 别 | 女 |
民 族 出生年月 | 汉族 1988.02 |
政治面貌 | 中共党员 |
最后学历 最后学位 获学位单位 电子邮箱 | 博士研究生 博士 北京理工大学 mxl@bistu.edu.cn |
所属院系、学科及研究方向 | |
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所属系 | 经济系 |
所属学科 | 应用经济学 |
研究领域 | 数量经济学、优化方法、决策科学、微观经济理论 |
工作经历 | |
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2020.10至今 2018.10-2020.9 | 伟德bv国际体育 北京大学光华管理学院 |
主讲课程 | |
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本科生:微观经济学、经济数学应用专题 硕士生:投入产出分析 | |
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学术论文 | |
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[1] X.L. Meng, X. Wei, L.T. Gong, J.C. Yao, A super-efficiency evaluation approach without infeasibility, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 24 (2023) 221-235. [2] X.L. Meng, L.T. Gong, X. Wei, J.C. Yao, An evaluation approach with constant returns to scale, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 23 (2022) 727-740. (SCI) [3] X.L. Meng, L.T. Gong, J.C. Yao, An inequality evaluation approach with nonincreasing returns to scale, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 21 (2020) 2605-2614. (SCI) [4] X.L. Meng, L.T. Gong, J.C. Yao, A fuzzy evaluation approach with the quasi-ordered set: evaluating the efficiency of decision making units, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 19 (2020) 297-310. (SCI) [5] X.L. Meng, J.C. Yao, L.T. Gong, B.X. Liu, Fuzzy ST model for data envelopment analysis, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 21 (2020) 2615-2624. (SCI) [6] X.L. Meng, L.T. Gong, J.C. Yao, A fuzzy inequality evaluation approach for measuring the relative efficiency, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37 (2019) 6589-6600. (SCI) [7] X.L. Meng, F.G. Shi, J.C. Yao, An inequality approach for evaluating decision making units with a fuzzy output, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 34 (2018) 459-465. (SCI) [8] X.L. Meng, F.G. Shi, An inequality approach for evaluating productive efficiency, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 19 (2018) 41-51. (SCI) [9] X.L. Meng, F.G. Shi, An extended DEA with more general fuzzy data based upon the centroid formula, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 33 (2017) 457–465. (SCI) [10] X.L. Meng, F.G. Shi, A generalized fuzzy data envelopment analysis with restricted fuzzy sets and determined constraint condition, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 33 (2017) 1895–1905. (SCI) [11] X.L. Meng, F.G. Shi, An extended inequality approach for evaluating decision making units with a single output, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 199 (2017) 1-10. (SCI) [12] X.L. Meng, F.G. Shi, An extended data envelopment analysis for the decision-making, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 240 (2017) 1-16. (SCI) | |
研究课题 | |
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[1] 主持 北京市教委科技计划项目,具有不确定信息的非参数生产效率测算模型研究; [2] 主持 BV伟德国际官方网站勤信英才项目,不同规模报酬下的生产资源优化配置研究; [3] 主持 北京市社会科学基金项目,深化北京市地方标准评价机制研究; [4] 主持 BV伟德国际官方网站科研基金项目,基于数据包络分析理论的资源优化模型的研究; [5] 参与 国家社科基金重大项目(实质性减税降费与经济高质量发展研究)。 | |
荣誉与奖励 | |
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BV伟德国际官方网站2021年年度考核优秀。 |